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Endesa - Electricity, Gas, People

Estimated Consumption redirected

Estimated Consumption redirected

Estimated bills

Estimated Consumption redirected

Since Royal Decree 1718/2012 of December 28th went into effect on April 1st, 2013, billing of all low voltage energy supplies with a contracted capacity of no more than 15kW is bimonthly and based upon actual readings. All consumption estimates have thus been eliminated as of April 1st, 2013.
Remember that:

Clients with a contract in a Reference Marketing Company and with a Remotely Managed Meter installed and operative, will begin to receive their monthly bills, maintaining the actual readings. Learn More.
However, and despite the fact that consumption estimates no longer exist, we provide you with more information that may be of interest.

What happens if the meter is not available?

In the case that your meter is not accessible and it is not possible to take the energy consumption reading, the Distributing Company will leave a notice in your home indicating the contract methods that allow you to provide your own reading.
In this way, your home's energy consumption will not accumulate and you won't have any surprises in receiving bills that are higher than normal.
If you cannot provide your reading, your Distributing Company may estimate consumption in agreement with the current regulations established in the May 14, 2009 Resolution of the Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines and the modifications introduced by the May 24, 2011 Resolution of the Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines.

The estimated consumption calculation is made by taking into account historical consumption, for the same period, from the previous year.

How are readings regularised if there are estimated readings?

Bills with estimated consumption are always regularized with the next bill issued that shows the real meter reading.
We illustrate two situations that, as an Endesa customer, may occur:
  • We've billed you for an amount lower than your true consumption

    In June you receive a bill with an estimated reading and with a consumption of 100kWh.

    The following month, July, you receive a bill with a real reading with a consumption of 300 kWh which corresponds to the real readings for the months of June and July.

    Since June's bill was for a consumption of 100kWh, on July's bill you'll have to pay the difference; that is to say, for the 200 kWh not yet billed.

  • We've billed an amount greater than your actual consumption.

    In June you receive a bill with an estimated reading and with a consumption of 300 kWh.

    The following month, you receive a bill with a real reading with a consumption of 200 kWh, whihc corresponds to real consumption for the months of June and July.

    Since June's bill was charged for an estimated consumption of 300kWh, on July's bill there will be a compensation for the difference, that is to say, the 100 kWh not consumed.

Where is information about consumption located in the bill?

You can check consumption in the Electricity Consumption or Gas Consumption section, on your electricity or gas bill, respectively. This section shows information from the most recent readings.  The difference between both is the consumption to be billed.